Call for papers

The International Conference is aimed at an academic audience, especially from constitutional law and related disciplines.
The event will combine keynote lectures by internationally renowned experts with lectures to be presented by professors and academic researchers in six thematic round panels (senior category).
There will also be a special space for the presentation of academic comunications by students and researchers (junior category).
Those interested are invited to send a document with their profile and a brief abstract of the topic they would like to discuss.
The International Scientific Committee of the Conference will select up to four abstracts of the lectures and up to three of the comunications, to be presented orally at each thematic panel.
Procedure for the evaluation of abstracts of lectures and communications
Proposals may be written in Spanish or English, and must be related to the themes of the round panels:
The abstract should contain the following:
- Name and university affiliation
- Position (in case of professionals)
- Level of education (in case of students)
- Category (indicate if it is “lecture” or “communication”)
- Abstract text
- In no case will it exceed 5000 characters
In the case of co-authorship for lecture and communications, up to two co-authors can be presented, indicating the name and position of each one. For the respective presentation, the co-authors will decide who will give the dissertation. Lecture and communications can only be submitted for one panel.
Abstracts should be sent to Milagros Revilla Izquierdo (revilla.milagros@pucp.pe) with the subject ‘Abstract for call for papers – International Conference 2024’.
The selected contribution should have a maximum length of 35,000 characters, including spaces, footnotes and bibliography.
Regarding the time limit for the presentations of the selected texts: the lectures will have a maximum of 20 minutes, and the communications will be limited to 10 minutes.

Deadlines to be considered
- Submission of abstracts
30 July - Selection results
15 August - Presentations at the International Conference
25-27 September - Submission of texts for publication
15 November
A peer-reviewed publication (international peer review, double-blind system) is planned to bring together the papers presented at the academic event, thus contributing to the generation of new knowledge and its dissemination.