
Day 1
Wednesday 25 September
Inauguration and keynote lectures (16:30 – 18:45)
- Artistic-cultural presentation
- Speech by Rocío Villanueva Flores, Dean of the Faculty of Law of the PUCP
- Speech by Abraham Siles Vallejos, Coordinator of the Constitutional Law Area of the PUCP
- Keynote lecture 1: Richard Albert (USA), “Democratic Erosion and the Transformation of Executive-Legislative Relations in New Constitutional Orders”
- Keynote lecture 2: Claudia Heiss (Chile), “Evaluation of the constituent process in Chile: lessons for the region”
- Coffee break (Law Amphitheater 1 [Dammert Amphitheater)])
Thematic Panel 1: Democratic Erosion and Challenges to the Form of Government (19:00 – 21:00)
- Chair
- Three to four presentations
- Dialogue with attendees
Thematic Panel 2: Constitutional Replacement and Reform: Contemporary Issues (19:00 – 21:00)
- Presidency
- Three to four presentations
- Dialogue with attendees

Day 2
Thursday 26 September
Keynote lectures (17:00 – 18:45)
- Keynote lecture 3: David Landau (USA), “Abusive Judicial Review: The Impact of Constitutional Courts on Democracy”
- Keynote lecture 4: Gonzalo Ramírez (Colombia), “Protection of Fundamental Rights and Economic Constitution”
- Coffee break (Law Amphitheater 1 [Dammert Amphitheater])
Thematic Panel 3: Constitutional Jurisdiction and Autonomous Constitutional Bodies: New Balance of Powers (19:00 – 21:00)
- Chair
- Three to four presentations
- Dialogue with attendees
Thematic Panel 4: Constitution and Social Market Economy (19:00 – 21:00)
- Chair
- Three to four presentations
- Dialogue with attendees

Day 3
Friday 27 September
Keynote lectures (17:00 – 18:45)
- Keynote lecture 5: Encarnación Carmona (Spain), “Constitutional Protection of Groups in Situations of Vulnerability and the Principle of Non-Discrimination”
- Keynote lecture 6: Monia Hennig Leal (Brazil), “New Technologies and Protection of Fundamental Rights”
- Coffee break (Law Amphitheater 1 [Dammert Amphitheater])
Thematic Panel 5: Fundamental Social Rights and Protection of Vulnerable Groups (19:00 – 21:00)
- Chair
- Three to four presentations
- Dialogue with attendees
Thematic Panel 6: New Technologies and Protection of Fundamental Rights (19:00 – 21:00)
- Chair
- Three to four presentations
- Dialogue with attendees
The presentation of the selected communications (junior category) will take place on the mornings of Thursday 26 and Friday 27 September, in accordance with the schedule that will be announced in due course.